Employee communication is an essential part of HR’s role.


Effective internal communication develops trust within an organisation and significantly impacts employee engagement, organisational culture and productivity.

Build a connected workforce

KIoraa makes it easy to company communication simple ane effective.

Regular communication reflect the company culture, make employees feel connected, and improvement employee engagement.

Improves the employee engagement

Communication is a critical part of employee engagement, which in turn promotes better performance, employee retention and wellbeing. Employees are more likely to engage and contribute when there’s an open organisational culture. Good employee communication enables employees to stay connected to their workplace, understand their organisation’s purpose and strategy, identify with its values, and develop a sense of belonging by understanding how they contribute to its wider purpose.

See Kioraa in action

Learn how Kioraa can improve your
employee experience

Improves the employee experience

Employee communication goes far beyond simply serving as the means by which employees receive company news. Effective communication elevates the employee experience by giving employees a sense of purpose within their daily responsibilities. When employees feel like they have all of the necessary tools, information, and resources to thrive both in and out of the workplace, holistically, they feel connected, included, and empowered to be their very best at work.

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